Katrougalos George

Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs, responsible for European Affairs and International Economic Relations of the Hellenic Republic

Katrougalos George

Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs, responsible for European Affairs and International Economic Relations of the Hellenic Republic


George Katrougalos, Alternate Minister (State Minister) for Foreign Affairs, responsible for European Affairs and International Economic Relations is Professor of Public and Constitutional Law at Democritus University of Thrace.

He has served until November 2016, as Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, and previously as Alternate Minister (State Minister) of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction. He was also Member of the European Parliament from May 2014 to January 2015.

Minister Katrougalos has studied law at the University of Athens and at Sorbonne University.

During 2000 – 2003 he was advisor to the Greek Permanent Mission to the United Nations for the works of the 3rd Committee of the UN General Assembly and a member of the committee of experts advising the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the drafting of the European Constitution. He has also been legal advisor to the Albanian Parliament on the drafting of the Albanian Constitution (1998-1999) and constitutional expert in many projects of institution building in Uzbekistan, Armenia, Syria and the Balkans.

Additionally, he has taught as visiting professor or guest lecturer at several Universities in Europe, the USA, Latin America and Asia and has been a visiting scholar at the Law School of New York University (2007 and 2012), as Emile Noel Fellow and Senior Emile Noel Fellow, respectively, and at Roskilde University (1994-1995), as a fellow of the Danish Academy of Science.
Minister Katrougalos is a member of the board of the Association of Greek Constitutionalists and the Executive Committee of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL). He has been a member of the board of KETHEA (Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals) and founding member of the Greek Committee of Unicef and of the Audit Committee of Public Debt.

He has published extensively in Greek, American and European legal reviews.